What is Moodle?

Moodle can be described as a web application for creating variable web based courses. Aimed at delivering educators the ideal instruments for content presentation and learning evaluation purposes, it’s become well–known amongst course instructors around the globe. Moodle is an open–source web app, which is backed up by a substantial community all over the world and which at the moment serves approximately 7 million e–learning websites and more than a million lecturers.

Moodle can be employed for a primary school site and for a huge student site that has lots of end users. A great many schools employ it as a system for conducting web based courses. Moodle provides a range of action modules (like forums, databases and wikis) for making highly collaborative e–learning communities.

Moodle is a trademark of Martin Dougiamas and is not affiliated with Optimum Web2b.

eLearning Shared Website Hosting Plans Services

Once you begin to develop a totally new project, the earlier it becomes accessible on the www, the better. Right here at Optimum Web2b we wish to help you to succeed. This is why we’ve launched dedicated eLearning shared website hosting plans solutions. Every single one of our eLearning shared website hosting plans plans incorporates a cost–free domain name registration or transfer. We are able to furthermore instantly install and set up Moodle for you.

Using our eLearning shared website hosting plans solutions, you won’t have to worry about the hosting part in the least – we provide you with risk–free shared website hosting plans. You’ll get a 99.9% service uptime guarantee. And in addition we supply you with unrestricted disk space, unlimited traffic and infinite MySQL storage. What’s more, our technical support is there to aid you 24/7.

A Point & Click Web Site Control Panel

To help make the management of your Moodle educational portal so much easier, we’ve developed our own personalized Web Site Control Panel. It’s offered in over 10 languages and merges web site supervision and domain management in one place. It’s moreover built to live completely inside the cloud and provides speed and reliability more advanced than those of many other control panels.

Optimum Web2b’s Control Panel is full of cost–free applications and bonuses. With Optimum Web2b’s eLearning shared website hosting plans plan, you can have Moodle installed by default. By using our control panel, you can easily set up any one of more than 40 popular apps like Joomla and Wordpress with absolutely no setup required, because of the Best Web Applications. In addition, you can employ our own Site Accelerator Programs to considerably speed up your websites. Our Web Stats Manager will start operating instantly, without the need to incorporate any sort of tracking code to your websites.