FTP Accounts
Find out about FTP accounts and about FTP in general - exactly what they are and when you will require them.
FTP, which is short for File Transfer Protocol, represents the most famous method of uploading files to a web hosting account. With an FTP client that’s installed on your desktop or laptop computer, you can connect to your web hosting server and copy all of the website files that you want with a couple of clicks. You can do this via an easy-to-use graphical interface and it is as simple as dragging and dropping the abovementioned files. The advantage of using FTP is that you’ll be able to create different FTP accounts, each with a different level of access to your server space, so if you have to provide someone with access, for example – a designer, they will be able to connect only to one particular directory and won’t be able to view the rest of your web content or any other info, including personal details. Three prerequisites are obligatory to be able to make an FTP connection – a hostname, which is usually a domain name or an IP, a username and a password.
FTP Accounts in Shared Website Hosting
You will be able to create as many FTP accounts as you need with any of the shared website hosting plans that we are offering, since we’ve chosen not to limit this service. In this way, you can run multiple sites all at once or give other persons access to separate directories. Once a given job has been completed and you would not like that person to be able to access your website files any longer, you can update the password associated with the FTP account or you can just remove that account with a couple of mouse clicks and stop worrying about someone connecting to it once again. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with all website hosting accounts, will permit you to see the complete list of the active FTP accounts shown in alphabetical order. It takes just one click to administer various options for any of them – to edit the password or the access path, to download an auto-config file, etc.