Data Backups

Have you ever lost your site content? Do turn to our backup solution

Once published on the Internet, your website content is susceptible to hack assaults. It can be affected even by your very own personal unintended actions. If you turn to us, there’s nothing to worry about, because we maintain a backup of your site content, which can restored anytime. Plus, you’ll be able to create manual back–up copies of your entire web site with a single click of the mouse through the File Manager, which is located in the Web Site Control Panel. Our system will successfully restore all of your website files and will merge them into a ZIP archive, which will be saved in your account.

Data Backups

Web Hosting Control Panel

Control your websites with a mouse click

It is now very easy to take complete control of your websites with the next–generation Web Site Control Panel that we have developed for you with intuitiveness in mind. Manage all the website files with simple drag ’n’ drop movements, register, transfer and control multiple domain names from a single place, set up e–mail box accounts in a jiffy, manage mailing list campaigns without difficulty, create & access your own databases with a simple click, keep track of website stats real–time, etcetera. Advanced tools like a framework installer, an .htaccess generator and a hotlink protection tool are on hand too.

Web Hosting Control Panel

True Cloud Platform

We’ve deployed the newest cloud server technologies when constructing our own hosting system, which is invulnerable to unexpected service disturbances and downtimes. All the services connected with your website such as DNSs, emails, databases, apps, etc. are taken care of by different physical servers to ensure that even if there is an overload issue, your website will still be running seamlessly.

True Cloud Platform

Multiple Data Centers

Shared website hosting services on three continents

Our shared website hosting network expands across 3 continents – North America (the Colohouse datacenter facility in Chicago, US), Europe (UK Servers datacenter facility in Coventry, UK, the Ficolo underground data center in Pori, Finland and the S3 data center in Sofia, Bulgaria) and Australia (the Amaze datacenter in Sydney). This suggests that, no matter where you actually reside, you’ll be able to pick a data center that is closest to your target audience. Thus, you will ensure the fastest possible site loading speeds for them. You are able to pick your data center anytime with a click of the mouse on the signup page.

Multiple Data Centers

Web Accelerators

Make your website faster than light

With Optimum Web2b, you do not have to delete source code or to cut out your web site’s content to make it load faster. Thanks to the Site Accelerator Programs (Memcached, Node.js and Varnish) available in the Web Site Control Panel coming with every web hosting package, you can make your site open faster than ever – you’ll be able to make it 10 to 500 times more quick!

Web Accelerators

NVMe Drives

NVMe–disk–powered cloud web hosting servers

All our shared website hosting machines feature NVMe disks instead of standard HDDs. NVMe drives boast faster read and write speeds, which implies that your web sites will open so much faster. No extra web site modifications are needed.

With the exceptional web connectivity options offered by all our cloud web hosting Data Center Facilities, your website will begin to open significantly faster as soon as you start using our hosting services.

NVMe Drives

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

Receive a full refund in case you aren’t content

Our shared website hosting plans are backed up by a thirty–day MBG. Therefore, if, for whatever reason, you aren’t entirely pleased with the quality of the offered hosting services, you can touch base with our sales team representatives to ask for your money back. You can send us an email, submit a support ticket, call us or use live chat.

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

VPN Access

Secure, private browsing

If you reside in a region with tight web browsing regulations but wish to examine the World Wide Web as much as possible, we have the perfect solution for you. With each of our shared website hosting plans, you can gain VPN access and surf the web freely. All you need to do is set up a brand new network using the detailes we offer then we’ll forward all your incoming and outgoing web traffic out of one of our Virtual Private Network data centers.

VPN Access