In order for you to send e-mails using an email address with your domain name, make sure that the company will give you usage of their SMTP server. The latter is the software which enables e-mails to be dispatched. SMTP is an abbreviation for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and it deals with all outbound e-mails from apps, webmail and contact web forms. Whenever a message is sent out, the SMTP server confirms with all the DNS servers throughout the world where the emails for the receiving domain name are handled and as soon as it obtains this data, it connects into the remote POP/IMAP server to check if the recipient mailbox is available. When it does, the SMTP server transmits the e-mail body while the receiving server sends it to the mailbox where the recipient can open it up and see it. Without an SMTP server on your server, you will not be allowed to mail out emails at all.

SMTP Server in Shared Website Hosting

With every single shared website hosting plan that we offer, you'll be able to make use of our SMTP server and send out emails through your preferred e-mail program, webmail or a script on your website. The service is available with the plans by default, not being a paid add-on or on-demand, so you can make use of your emails as soon as you create them via your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. We have prepared thorough tutorials how to set up a mailbox in the most widely used desktop and smart phone e-mail clients and they also contain all SMTP adjustments that you'll require as well as typical issues that you might experience and their solutions. If you are using an online contact form on your site, all you have to enter is the server name as well as your e-mail address, so you can get the form working right away.