Setup Fee
Find out what set-up fees are along with what their function in the web hosting community is.
When you purchase a new shared website hosting plan, it is generated on a server and the overall process usually takes some time, in addition to the confirmation and processing of your fee, which a lot of companies perform manually. When you order a dedicated server, for example, the setup takes even longer because the unit has to be assembled, set up and tested to make sure that it'll work properly. This is the reason why a lot of providers have a one-time cost to cover the time and efforts spent on your new account. The cost, which can sometimes be high, is normally not listed on the front page, still you'll find it on your checkout or payment page, thus you will not be aware of it before you've already completed the whole signup process and you may even miss it unless you pay attention.
Setup Fee in Shared Website Hosting
If you get a shared website hosting plan via us, the final price that you'll need to pay throughout the checkout is identical to the price you've already found on our front page and on every other page on our website. The processing of your payment and the account creation on our revolutionary cloud hosting platform are close to fully automatic, so we think that charging you any installation fees is rather unreasonable. Even when you acquire several accounts at a time, you will not need to spend anything for the setup or for any other hidden costs for that matter. It is our concept that being honest with every single client since the very beginning is far more valuable than acquiring a few more dollars.