PHP is one of the most commonly used programming languages. It’s pretty popular because it is free software, which you can use to develop interactive sites such as social networks, online stores or online learning sites instead of static HTML websites. A PHP module must be present on the server where a PHP-driven site is hosted so that its source code can be ‘translated’. As there aren’t any license taxes for this kind of module and the language offers countless options for the Internet applications that you build, there are hundreds of millions of PHP-powered sites. Besides, there’re a large number of PHP scripts, which you can use for your sites without the need to possess any coding capabilities. Given the fact that there are a handful of versions of PHP, you ought to make sure that the same version that you used while setting up your website is installed on the web server too.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Shared Website Hosting

We have made the decision not to prevent our current and future customers from selecting the PHP version that will be used by their sites, which goes to say that if you purchase a shared website hosting package from us, you will be able to pick between versions 4, 5 and 7, not only for the hosting account as a whole, but also for each single domain that you host. This can be accomplished with only one click through our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel via which all accounts are administered, so you won’t have to possess any coding or technical know-how. You’ll be able to manage websites built with both new and old scripts without having to deal with any hindrances, so if you wish to change your present hosting services provider and move over to us, you can be certain that all the sites that you’ve created over the years will continue to run properly.