One-Hour Response Guarantee
Would you like to know more about the 1-hour response time guarantee and how you can take advantage of it in your capacity as client?
Should you ever encounter a problem with your site and be unable to handle it on your own, ask the hosting provider’s customer support staff to help you bring the site back online. A swift solution would be the most favorable scenario, but lots of hosting companies respond within twenty four hours and even more, particularly if you’re doing business with a hosting reseller. Even if the problem can be resolved swiftly, your website may not work properly or may not be reachable at all for a longer period, so you may lose prospective clients because it is extremely unlikely that anybody will be happy to return to a site that is faulty. Thus, you need to make sure not only that you can touch base with your web hosting company, but also that they can answer and help you in a well-timed manner. If a software app update does not proceed smoothly or if you delete something incidentally, for example, the website should be restored speedily in order to avoid protracted downtime.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Website Hosting
If you are using one of our shared website hosting plans and you’ve got an enquiry or bump into a certain obstacle, you can touch base with us 24/7/365 by posting a customer support ticket or by sending an email and we will make certain that you obtain a reply in no more than 1 hour. If the issue can be sorted out, we’ll do it before we respond, whilst in case there is something that you need to do on your end, we’ll give you all the necessary information – what possible solutions to try out, what settings to check, and so on. Typically, you’ll get a response within less than half an hour, which implies that waiting around for hours and hours on end or even for more than a day to obtain assistance is something inconceivable. Our sixty-minute response guarantee is valid for any question that you might have – billing, technical or general.