The WHOIS information of a domain name is a collection of various details that are freely accessed using specific lookup Internet sites or a command line. The protocol which makes this possible carries the same name and you could easily see the company through which a domain address has been registered, the creation, expiration and last update dates in addition to the names, postal and email address of those listed as Registrant (owner), Administrative, Technical and Billing contacts for a particular domain name. All this information should be valid and up-to-date at all times; otherwise the domain registration may be challenged. The latter is a policy of ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), therefore you should always ensure that the WHOIS details of your domain names are accurate. Updating the WHOIS for a number of country-code TLDs is limited, so whenever you register a brand new Internet domain, make sure you double-check the info you are submitting.

Full WHOIS Management in Shared Website Hosting

If you obtain a shared website hosting plan from our company, you'll be able to manage all domains registered through us through our Hepsia CP. Its sophisticated Domain Manager tool will allow you to see or modify the WHOIS details of your domains with just a few mouse clicks and even handle several domain names simultaneously, which will save you lots of time and efforts if you need to update the email address or the number associated with your domain names, for instance. Since several country-code extensions have special requirements, we can help you with an update 24/7 - for instance, for several TLDs modifying the Registrant names can't be performed automatically, so we can walk you through the process. We've done our absolute best to ensure that Hepsia provides you with complete and simple management over the WHOIS information of your domain addresses.